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Public Utility Counsel

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Board of Directors


Michael Callahan, Marin Clean Energy

Vice President

David Huang, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP


Lisa-Marie Clark, California Public Utilities Commission


Sarah Banola, BRB Law LLP


Grady Mathai-Jackson, Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Claire Torchia, Southern California Edison Company
Avisha Patel, Southern California Gas Company
Zeb Zankel, Jenner & Block LLP
Melissa W. Kasnitz, Center for Accessible Technology
Sarah Kozal, California Independent System Operator

YUL Representatives

Jorian Heale
, Friedman & Springwater LLP
Samir Hafez, Buchalter

About Us

The CCPUC is a Section 501(c)(6) non-profit organization of professionals that has been in existence for over 50 years, and is registered as a specialty bar association with the State Bar of California. Our membership consists of attorneys and other professionals who work in energy, telecommunications, transportation, and water.

Our members represent a cross-section of the public utility bar in California. Many of our members work for public utilities, private law firms, telecommunications carriers, water companies, cable companies, and electric service providers, as well as government, public interest organizations, and industry associations. The CCPUC holds its members to the highest level of professionalism, which include duties civility, professional integrity, personal dignity, candor, diligence, respect, courtesy, cooperation, and competence.

The CCPUC is a certified MCLE provider dedicated to providing education and training on current issues pertaining to utility regulation at both the state and federal levels. We offer a variety of programs throughout the year designed to provide educational as well as networking opportunities to our members. Our goal is to foster good will among those who regularly practice in this area and to welcome and educate newer members of the utility bar.  

The CCPUC is run by an eleven-member board of directors, each of whom generally serves for up to two consecutive three-year terms.  The board is also includes two voting members who represent the interests of our Young Utility Lawyers (YUL).  We strive to provide a well-balanced board from the various industries regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission. Our directors come from utility legal departments, law firms, the CPUC, and consumer groups. Any member in good standing may apply for membership on the board.

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 The Conference of California Public Utility Counsel is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. San Francisco, California

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